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Pet Care Hospital in Kirrawee
Pet Care Tips
We serve the needs of our clients and their pets with our team of experienced veterinarians and nurses who aim to keep your pet healthy and you smiling.
vaccinate cat

Why Should You Vaccinate Your Cat?

Without vaccinations, your cat is vulnerable to a wide range of infectious diseases. Some of these diseases can be fatal while others have an effect on your cat’s health for the rest of its life. Vaccinations are an ongoing commitment that you make when you choose to get a pet.

In this article, the Kirrawee Veterinary Hospital team is explaining why vaccinations are so important and the diseases they keep at bay.

5 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Cat

We’ve created a list of our top 5 reasons why you should vaccinate your cat, and they are:

  1. To protect them against infectious and deadly diseases
  2. To prevent the spread of these diseases to other cats, especially vulnerable and stray animals
  3. To give you peace of mind
  4. To take your cat to a cattery when you’re on holiday (they won’t let your cat in without vaccinations)
  5. To save yourself a lot of money on vet bills in the long run

All about Cat Vaccinations

Firstly, it’s important to vaccinate your cat while they are a kitten because younger animals are especially vulnerable to infectious diseases. Additionally, if your kitten’s mum was vaccinated, she’s less likely to pass diseases onto her kittens and her milk will give them extra protection.

Your cat will need regular booster vaccinations to ensure they are protected for their entire life. These are usually required once a year but your vet should send you a reminder. If your cat isn’t up to date with their injections, don’t worry, your vet will help you straight away.

There are four main diseases that your cat’s injections will protect them against

Cat Flu

Cat flu is similar to the symptoms of human flu; however, cat flu can be incurable for some cats and even fatal in kittens. Ensure your kittens don’t leave the house until they are fully protected (this can take two weeks after the vaccination) and take them back for regular booster shots each year.

Feline Infectious Enteritis (FIE)

FIE is also known as ‘feline parvovirus’  and it is a serious illness that kills white blood cells and severely damages the intestinal lining. It spreads through infected faeces and it can be passed down by pregnant cats to their kittens.

The symptoms of FIE include fever, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhoea, seizures, and more. This disease has no cure and it can resist treatment, leading to fatality. Vaccinations and booster shots can prevent this disease successfully.

Feline Chlamydophilosis

This is also known as ‘feline chlamydia’. With feline chlamydophilosis, bacteria attack the cat’s eyes and nose, progressing to their lungs, stomach, intestines and reproductive system. It is highly contagious and can be treated with antibiotics. Vaccinations will prevent this disease entirely.

Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV)

FeLV is a viral infection in cats, leading to the development of certain cancers, including leukaemia, lymphoma and tumours. This condition weakens the immune system and leaves them susceptible to other infections and illnesses. A vaccinated cat is more likely to be able to fight off the virus without spreading the disease or even showing symptoms.

Vaccinate Your Cat in Kirrawee

It’s important to stay up to date with your kitten’s vaccinations and booster shots to prevent the spread of these highly infectious diseases. Bring your cat to Kirrawee Veterinary Hospital to protect them today. You can call us on (02) 9521 6422 or contact us online.


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